The Multimedia Yasna


  • As part of the Deutscher Orientalistentag DOT 2022 which is held at the Freie Universität Berlin from the 12th -17th September 2022, the MUYA project gave the following presentations:
    • Prof. Almut Hintze and Dr. Céline Redard ‘The Multimedia Yasna (MUYA) Project’
    • Dr. Kerman Daruwalla and Dr. Céline Redard ‘On the transmission of the ritual directions of the Yasna in the Indian tradition’
    • Dr. Martina Palladino ‘Sanskrit Ritual Directions in the Sanskrit Yasna’
  • Dr. Kerman Daruwalla and Dr. Céline Redard gave an online talk ‘Ritual directions of the Zoroastrian Long Liturgy in the Indian tradition’ at the 30th Biennial Iranian Studies Conference AIS 2022, Salamanca, August 30 - September 2 2022.
  • Mr. Ruzbeh Hodiwala and Dr. Céline Redard presented the MUYA project at the 12 World Zoroastrian Congress, New York, 1 July 2022.
  • Dr. Céline Redard gave a talk ‘Creation through the Ancient Iranian Sources’ during the Melammu Workshop ‘Creating the Woman in Antiquity: gendered aspects of human creation’ at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, 2-3 June 2022.
  • Prof. Almut Hintze gave a lecture ‘Memory and the spoken word in Zoroastrian ritual’ at the Viktor Wynd Museum & The Last Tuesday Society, London 19 April 2022.
  • Dr. Céline Redard gave an online lecture ‘New Trends in Avestan Studies’ at the Pourdavoud Center, Los Angeles. The lecture was later recorded and available online.
  • Mr. Kerman Daruwalla gave an online lecture ‘The endangered Zoroastrian ceremonies – Yasna and Vispered’ at the K R Cama Oriental Institute.
  • Dr. Céline Redard gave a talk ‘Le couple divin Sraoša – Aši’ during the Workshop ‘Nommer et représenter les dieux. Les configurations familiales’ at the University of Strasbourg, France.
  • Prof. Almut Hintze gave an online lecture ‘The Yasna Ritual in Performance’ at the Pourdavoud Center, Los Angeles. The lecture was later recorded and is available online.
  • Mr. Benedikt Peschl gave an online talk ‘Avesta quotations in an old Pahlavi manuscript (M51) and the role of the learned priesthood in medieval Zoroastrianism’, Webinar on Iranian Studies, 21 January 2021, Tehran University.
  • Dr. Mehrbod Khanizadeh gave an online talk ‘A History of Avestan Studies among Zoroastrians (in Persian)’, Kānun-e Dāneshjuyān-e Zartoshti [The Association of Zoroastrian Students], 17 October 2020.
  • Mr. Kerman Daruwalla made a presentation on SOAS and its steadfast work on Zoroastrianism followed by the screening of a short video on the MUYA Project at the Iranshah Udvada Festival (IUU 2019) held in Udvada from 27-29 December 2019.
  • As part of the Ninth European Conference of Iranian Studies (ECIS 9) which was held at the Freie Universität Berlin from the 9th-13th September 2019, the MUYA project convened a panel titled ‘Zoroastrian Rituals in Priestly Performance and Textual Transmission’. The panel consisted of the following seven presentations:
    • Prof. Almut Hintze ‘Word, sound and action in the Zoroastrian ritual’
    • Dr. Céline Redard ‘The Srōš Drōn and its ritual performance’
    • Mr. Kerman Daruwalla ‘The Kadimi priestly rituals in India: a continuation of the Iranian tradition of the long liturgy’
    • Mr. Mariano Errichiello ‘An esoteric interpretation of the Zoroastrian liturgy: the Khshnoomist perspective’
    • Mr. Benedikt Peschl ‘Yasna 28.11, Yašt 1 and the Warštmānsar Nask: untangling an intertextual network in the Zoroastrian textual tradition’
    • Dr. Leon Goldman ‘Shifting Zands: the hermeneutics of the Zoroastrian ritual tradition in Sanskrit’
    • Dr. Martina Palladino ‘Zoroastrian rituals on Indian soil: the Sanskrit Yasna in India’.
  • On 23 January 2019 Prof. Almut Hintze gave a talk ‘The past in the present: the ancient Zoroastrian ritual of the Yasna in sound and written word’ at the First Dastoor Meherjirana Library in Nawsari, India.
  • Dr. Mehrbod Khanizadeh gave a talk ‘An Introduction to the MUYA project (in Persian)’, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Tehran, 30 December 2018.
  • Dr. Céline Redard gave a talk ‘Implications for the ritual when the same text is used in different ceremonies: the case of Y3-8’ during the international workshop ‘The ritual drama between East and West’ at the University of Bordeaux, France.
  • Mr. Benedikt Peschl gave a talk ‘The Pahlavi Version of the Gāthās (with special reference to the question ‘Who speaks what in the Lament of the Cow?’)’, WZO Seminar on Zoroastrian Religion, History & Culture. London, 17 June 2018.
  • Mr. Benedikt Peschl gave a talk ‘Die avestische Yasna-Liturgie und ihre Rezeption’ at Cologne University, 19 April 2018.


  • Dr. Céline Redard gave a talk ‘Data Management in Multimedia Yasna’ during the Data Management in Asian Humanities and Social Sciences at SOAS, London.